Table of Contents



Part I

Question and answer A

Question and answer B

The Plan

Educating Mankind

Part II

Universal Mind Messages

1- CREATION (In the Beginning)
2- Greed, Negativity, Evil…Stops here
3- Uniting of the Trinity
4- To all the enlightened ones
5- God is real if you are
6- Clarification for dissension
7- See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil
8- Reality
9- Love your enemy
10- You reflect me
11- Do not kill evil, change it
12- No diversion from the plan

Part III
Masters of purification
1- Angel Gabriel: - (09-29 84), I have completed
every delivery. The connection.
2- Apollo: - (04-08-85), But yes, exist we did. Go to the top,
and never come down. Peace on Earth.
3- Tut-Ankh-A-Men: - (04-10-85) In Jerusalem and Palestine,
the war will stop. Peace will be with the hand shake,
stronger than an earthquake.
4- Prophet Moses: - (12-01-84) I brought God near.
5- Buddha: - (12-23-84) For all humanity, is where I stood
6- Aristotle’s Dream: - ( 12-07-84)
Thousands of years ago, to me, is but yesterday.
7- Alexander the great: - (04-07-84)
We have a chance for retribution.
8- Caesar: - (12-23-84) I had become a pin cushion.

9- Mark Anthony: - (04-13-85) I have not seen Cleopatra’s face.
10- Joseph: - (10-12-88) He will be to the darkness the light, To the weakness the might, To the blindness the sight, and To the wrong the right.
11- John the Baptist: - (04-14-85) I prepared the way for my Lord.
12- Jesus Christ: - (09-03-85) Forgive them, even though they know what they do. To live is to die and to die is to live.
13- Apostle Peter: (04-14-85) Many people reported their lost bread.
14- Judas Iscariot: - (09-27-86) Ye knowest that my duty was to betray thee.
15- Saint George: - (02-03-85) Stand up for what you do.
16- King Constantine: - (12-31-84) What have you done, you murderer of men, I heard.
17- Prophet Muhammad: - (04-27-85) God does not kill, it is not his will.
18- Joan of Arc: - (02-14-87) Women of the world, stand up and take hold
19- William Shakespeare: - (12-02-84) To my sweetheart. The evolved rapture.
20- Napoleon Bonaparte: - (12 - 23 - 84) Now, I am working against human destruction.
21- Karl Marx: (03-09-87 165 Thus the first temple of worship began.
22- Charles Darwin: (08-09-86) An Ape is still an Ape.
23- Abraham Lincoln: (12-29-84) I died, but i live, so, for my murderer, I forgive.
24- Mark Twain: - (12-29-84) To the children as my devotion.
25- General Patton: - (04-28-85) Kill or to be killed. Is this what God had willed?
26- Mahatma Gandhi: - (12-02-84) The mind is mightier than the sword. United states and Russia will become one.
27- Albert Einstein: (12-02-84) The Audio-Vox. It was my intention then, to create that Audio-Vox.
28- Ernest Hemingway: (02-14-87) Oh man, what have you done?
29- John f. Kennedy: - (01-21-85) My turn to speak, I am not weak.
30- General McArthur: - (12-23-84) I have changed my way, and I have seen a new day.
31- Martin Luther King Jr. For God is all colors, and all the human nations
32- Harry Truman: - (01-05-85) I as one, have learned my lesson well.
33- Edgar Cayce: - (07-11-87) Upon my death I was pulled away by a magnetic ray.
34- Golda Meir: - (12-29-84) Dear Shamir, now is the time to unite back with your neighbors in peace.
35- Andropov: - (01-21-85) The power of protection against death is not nuclear arms, but the education about death.
36- Anwar Es-Sadat: - (01-21-85) I talked to people, but no one paid attention to me, and then I saw my body.

Part IV

Creative thinking

Mother Earth

New Beginning



®1985 Zaher P. Kury All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means,
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